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Event & Artist Safety Panel


(Moderator: Jim Digby) Industry experts discuss what needs to be done to ensure a safe and enjoyable major live event – what are the keys to success with the importance of putting live event safety first? How do we best coordinate with local city and government agencies, including police and fire departments, to make sure the safety message is not lost? What are the keys to crowd size management guidelines, mitigation and safety strategies? How do we create a holistic plan involving safety managers, artists, managers, promoters, and local agencies to ensure all event safety protocols are met to create a safe environment? What are some new and upcoming technologies and strategies currently being used to enhance a safe live event environment thus ensuring the best experience for fans, staff and artists?



  • Jenn Sookdeo
    Production Manager, Event Producer, Artist Manager, Event Logistics
    SOOKS Productions & Entertainment Services Inc.

  • Jim Digby
    Co-founder and President
    Event Safety Alliance

  • Nathaniel Kennedy
    Acting Manager, Production, City Cultural Events, Arts & Cultural Services
    City of Toronto

  • Trevor Hyland
    Leader of Special Events Portfolio – Operations and Logistics Section
    Office of Emergency Management at the City of Toronto
12:45 PM - 1:30 PM
Friday, June 9, 2023

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