David McTeague is the Brand Manager for CINA Radio Group including FLOW 98.7FM.
His journey includes experiences in ArXst Management, as a DJ, a Promoter, and much more… He began his broadcasXng career at FLOW 93.5, before moving on to Newstalk 1010 CFRB, Blackburn Radio, G98.7FM and JAZZ.FM91. David has also worked to navigate and facilitate opportuniXes for various Canadian arXsts and companies as a Project Coordinator with FACTOR (FoundaXon AssisXng Canadian Talent On Recordings). His strength in markeXng & promoXons also led him to create his own company ‘The DefiniXon.’
Always connecXng the dots, he also has a passion for helping others succeed around him including colleagues, students, clients, and arXsts.
A current member of Advance, Canada’s Black Music CollecXve, he also supports both FACTOR, and CARAS (Juno Awards). Most recently, David was recognized for the ‘Best Social JusXce PromoXon’ and contribuXons towards the ‘Best Jazz Radio StaXon’ by the acclaimed InternaXonal New York Radio FesXvals 2021 & 2023.