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Status Updates For Facebook and Twitter That Aren’t About You

Status Updates For Facebook and Twitter That Aren’t About You


Welcome to 2013, bands and artists, or should I call you b(r)ands? You might as well get used to it, especially if your audience happens to be those who live their lives online, and find out about new music through YouTube, Facebook and Twitter just as much as their local radio station. You are an individual brand in our own right, selling yourselves online, and your private life is part of that brand – when you’re promoting a song, you’re not selling just the words and music – you’re selling YOU, the entire package. So, how to let your fans know about you instead of posting about food and your new single or album? Here you go:

Start posting tips you learnt in life or being in a band. Ideas and thoughts to help your audience, followers and friends live a better life.  Anything that shows you are human. Be real, engaging and talk like a human being, even if you are a superstar the minute you step on that stage. This is where you can also share your own tips for starting a band, and share some stories, including those up and down moment you’ll be surprised everyone has.

You just being an artist are considered an expert of sorts, in an industry that is still fascinating to those out there. Share industry news, what’s happening with iTunes, Rdio, Spotify, HMV’s The Vault. The more people know about getting and sharing music, the better off the industry will be. Create an Rdio playlist – you have lots of music, so share your favourite tunes, or create a board on Pinterest of the bands you love, the lyrics you love, and photos you love.

Share content that will strike an emotion – make them laugh, cry, and think. Made them feel something, anything – even if it’s that great animal video currently going viral. Create a musical history – your area and the people who live in it probably inspired you to be an artist in the first place. Think about this for wherever you live. There is always history. Maybe you know the places and people who made that history. Talk about it and take a few pictures or some video. If you’re not about sharing your own life, ask your audience fun questions: “If you could have one cartoon animal come to life and be your pet, who would you choose?” “What’s the last TV show you binge-watched on DVD/streaming?”

We’ve all memorized a few of our favourite Inspirational quotes. Share the great ones from famous authors, artists or business leaders who inspire you. Did you know quotes are the #1 retweeted content on Twitter? Add a photo to the quote, and you’ll have a great way for people to know what you think it’s cool, and by who. I mix them up between the thoughtful ones, and downright absurd and hilarious things other famous musicians have said. On the inspirational tip, try thanking someone publicly for inspiring and delighting you.

You’re here to use your voice for good, to inspire, to encourage, to educate, and to spread compassion and understanding. Post information about your favourite charity that needs help for fundraising, or just awareness. Share your journey on reaching a goal such as weight loss, shedding a bad habit, quitting smoking, being eco-friendly. By doing this, you may inspire others as well as connect with people with the same interests. Refer your followers to some of your favorite businesses, authors or colleagues or band members to follow.

Ask people to post photos of their fave album cover, or fave artist and why. Ask your fans for their opinion on the best album of all time. Tell them you’re updating your iPod and want to hear from THEM. But don’t stop at music – ask for opinions on a book or movie you are considering buying or seeing. Want to hear more from your audience? Share a prediction in sports, or Oscars, Emmys, Grammys and ask for their own thoughts, but not “I missed out AGAIN on the Grammy Nomination!”

I know you think you don’t have a life, but you do. Talk about the adventures you experience while not working. This could include concerts, other bands you’re seeing, giving props to other acts. Post a few shots of your visit to the zoo, the park, or even the family. Really, it could even be photos of nature, sunsets or anything beautiful, funny, inspiring and entertaining. Share your city! Share funny moments from a movie, sports game or event of any kind. Share a new recipe if you cook. If you don’t, ask people to post the 1 item of food they can make really, really well. You might learn something new in the process.  One really great question I had a lot of responses was “My hidden talent is/Bet you didn’t know I ______.” I bet you have a few yourself.

There is a wealth of bizarre, unique, special and otherwise different holidays and “days” not invented by Hallmark Looking for a wacky day to celebrate and post? How about International Drum Month, Moldy Cheese Day, Moment of Frustration Day, Wear Something Gaudy Day, National Bologna Day and that’s just in October. Go for it, and have some fun, and don’t forget to ask your audience for photos back, too. For more a more serious one, don’t forget Father’s Day, Mother’s Day and the other ‘real’ ones to share a story – tell your fans something great about your parents.

Do a Twitter or Facebook interview. If you have a few minutes or an hour or two while in a bus? Just ask your fans to ask away.  And at the end of it all, always, always, thank your community for following you.

And never forget to tell them you’re freaking lucky for getting to do what you do everyday.

– Eric Alper (@ThatEricAlper)

Eric Alper certainly is a jack-of-all-trades, and one name you should be familiar with if you’re in the music industry, or on Twitter. Director of Media Relations at eOne Music Canada and chosen by Billboard Magazine, Paste Magazine and The National Post as the Best on Twitter, he can also be found at


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