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  • Canadian Live Music Association & Canadian Music Week

    2024 Live Music Industry Awards presented by

    Tuesday, June 4, 2024
    Awards Show. 5:00PM -7:00PM
    Frontenac Ballroom (across from Westin Harbour Castle Hotel)

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A voice clone presenting on your station could be the future of radio

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In the last few years technology in radio has drastically improved. Once we didn’t even have audio editing software, now we have presenters doing shows from home. 

New technology, descript, allows you to edit a transcription of audio and those edits appear in the audio file. It even allows you to change words and knows your voice to replace them without you rerecording anything. 

Other technologies on the market include Spooler which allows real-time news in a podcast and on demand format. It effectively lets users make a bespoke podcast through news segments which can be replaced as the news updates.

New technology, Adori,  is a dream for putting audio on YouTube. Either automatically or manually you can add audio and create a visual product perfect for places like YouTube and TikTok. It can work out the context of the audio to add photos and words which create a video. 

Veritone is a company that can clone your voice and then you can create audio via a script. For example your syndicated Breakfast Host could host the afternoon weather locally – although currently it did still have that robotic tone to it. You can even get your clone to speak in languages you can’t. 

Next Radiodays maybe you’ll be listening to a celebrity reading this article in your own language? Here’s to a very exciting future!
