Michael D. SMith & Rahul Telang Set To Speak At CMW 2017
Interview & Book Signing Wednesday April 19, 2017
Michael D. Smith is a Professor of Information Technology and Marketing at Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College and co-director of the Initiative for Digital Entertainment Analytics. His research specializes in entertainment analytics, marketing, and management and he is a co-author of the book Streaming, Sharing, Stealing: Big Data and the Future of Entertainment (MIT Press, September 2016).
Michael D. Smith is a Professor of Information Technology and Marketing at Carnegie Mellon University. He received his Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering (summa cum laude) and his Masters of Science in Telecommunications Science from the University of Maryland, and received his Ph.D. in Management Science and Information Technology from the Sloan School of Management at MIT. Professor Smith’s research uses economic and statistical techniques to analyze firm and consumer behavior in online markets – specifically markets for digital information and digital media products. His research in this area has been published in leading Management Science, Economics, and Marketing journals and covered by professional journals including The Harvard Business Review and The Sloan Management Review and press outlets including The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Wired and Business Week. Professor Smith has received several awards for his teaching and research including the National Science Foundation’s prestigious CAREER Research Award, the 2009 and 2004 Best Teacher Awards in Carnegie Mellon’s Masters of Information Systems Management program, the best published paper award runner-up for Information Systems Research in 2006, and best paper nominations at the International Conference on Information Systems and the Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences. He was also recently selected as one of the top 100 “emerging engineering leaders in the United States” by the National Academy of Engineering. Professor Smith currently serves as a Senior Editor at Information Systems Research, and has previously served as an Associate Editor at Management Science and Management Information Systems Quarterly. Prior to receiving his Ph.D., Professor Smith worked extensively in the telecommunications and information systems industries, first with GTE in their laboratories, telecommunications, and satellite business units and subsequently with Booz Allen and Hamilton as a member of their telecommunications client service team. While with GTE, Professor Smith was awarded a patent for research applying fuzzy logic and artificial intelligence techniques to the design and operation of telecommunications networks. |
Rahul Telang is professor of Information systems and Management at the Heinz College at Carnegie Mellon University and at the Tepper School of Business (Courtesy).
Professor Telang’s is broadly interested in how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and associated digitization of information impact consumers, business and policies. Within this thread, his interest lies in two major domains. First is Digital Media Industry with a particular focus on how digitization in copyright industries is affecting the incentives of content provider, distributors and users. His research is directed towards understanding and shaping an optimal copyright and intellectual property policy in the Digitization Era. He was the recipient of Sloan Foundation Industry Study fellowship and a number of Google Faculty awards. He is a co-director of a center IDEA (Initiative for Digital Entertainment Analytics). He has worked extensively with industry and policy makers on variety of issue surrounding digitization of Media. He also does extensive consulting on this topic.
His second area of work is on economics of information security and privacy. His key interest is in understanding the incentives of various parties (users, firms and hackers), why markets fail, how to create a useful policy framework and how to measure the effectiveness of such policies. His work explored the controversy surrounding vulnerability disclosure, vulnerability markets and their role in generating optimal outcomes. Recently, he has been examining the role of data breach disclosure laws on identity thefts. He was the recipient of NSF CAREER award for his work. He is also part of Cylab and Institute for Infrastructure Protection (I3P).
Dr. Telang has published extensively in many top management and policy journals like Management Science, Marketing Science, ISR, MIS Quarterly, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Policy and Management, and NBER chapters. He held senior editor positions at ISR (Information Systems Research) and MIS Quarterly. He has organized many conferences and workshops and many of his papers have received top honors at journals and conferences. He has generated large external funding over the years for many of his projects. Currently he is also the director of the PhD program at the Heinz College.