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  • Canadian Live Music Association & Canadian Music Week

    2024 Live Music Industry Awards presented by

    Tuesday, June 4, 2024
    Awards Show. 5:00PM -7:00PM
    Frontenac Ballroom (across from Westin Harbour Castle Hotel)

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Three Strikes and You’re Still In – France Kills Piracy Disconnections

After years of debate and controversy the French Government has finally backtracked on the law which allowed errant subscribers to be disconnected from the Internet. This morning a decree was published which removed the possibility for file-sharers to have their connections cut for copyright infringement. Instead, those caught by rightsholders will now be subjected to a system of automated fines.

The so-called “graduated response” to the file-sharing issue has for years been championed by the mainstream music and movie industries.

According to the theory, Internet subscribers who are continually warned that their behavior is being monitored will, sooner or later, change their attitudes and stop obtaining content from unauthorized sources.

Read the full story: Torrent Freak