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Band Information

Dylan Ireland
Colin Kennedy
Eric Piil
Matt Goody
Main Contact
Dylan Ireland
Label Contact


Can you have a long distance dream ? Can you form connection through the spaces in between ? Doses thinks so. The band was formed mid pandemic, when long distance was the only option.They started out sending dream-like sonic ideas back and forth through the void. Those ideas quickly grew into a series of powerful singles that navigate the lyrical landscape of change and recovery. How do you recover from a dream ? You start by waking up. Doses songs run parallel with the newfound sobriety of lead singer Dylan Ireland. After years of addiction, songwriting serves as an outlet for his honesty and emotion. It’s apparent before you even listen. Song titles like ‘Overdose’, ‘Changes’ and ‘Runaway’ bring a level of self reflection and urgency that is sometimes missing from the hook laden pop world Doses inhabits. Doses is different. Not only in what they do, but why they do it. Bringing to mind the anthemic choruses of bands like The Killers and Kings of Leon Ireland and producer/guitarist Colin Kennedy craft the kind of songs that have the intimacy required to be personal, and the hooks required to play a giant festival stage. Fleshed out with Matt Goody on drums and Eric Pill on bass, the live show takes songs that already hit hard and make them hit home. There is no prescription for connection. You have to go out and find it.