
About Radiodays North America

The meeting point for the world of radio, podcasting and audio

In a time of change, Radiodays North America brings the industry together and lead the development as the most innovative and creative initiative in the radio and audio world

Radiodays was born in 2010 as a response to the needs of the European industry, public and private, to come together to discuss the new media challenges, across borders. It has since grown to become the most important annual conference for radio professionals with over 1600 participants from 62 countries online and in-person. It is the meeting point for the European radio, podcast & audio industries. It attracts both private and public radio stations, podcasters from across the spectrum big and small, plus audio professionals from a variety of industries. It is a destination event for high level industry individuals and companies from around the world.

The 14th edition of Radiodays Europe will take place in Munich, Germany 17 – 19 March 2024.

The Event & Conference

The purpose of Radiodays North America (RDNA) is to raise the awareness of radio, audio and podcast to inspire innovation and collaboration within the radio and audio industry and to encourage programme development and good radio journalism. RDNA is organised as an annual conference in the spring held in Toronto ON Canada each year.

We aim to produce a radio, podcast and audio conference as the first choice for world class content, providing knowledge, sharing of experiences and enable exciting meetings and networking for all.

In its 12th year the conference has become not only the leading radio conference in the world, but also the largest, with nearly 1600 participants from 60 countries. RDNA is a world-wide destination for radio, podcast and audio professionals, a not-to-be-missed reference point. Radiodays North America also provides a platform for showcasing innovation and independent journalism.

The Programme

Radiodays North America (RDNA) focuses on the future of radio, podcasting and audio, while also sharing experiences from the best of today – success stories, digital advances, journalism, new research and business models from across the globe.

RDNA is also about the radio, podcast and audio markets and how our industries deal with new players entering the business, the digital challenges that rapidly are changing the way people consume information and entertainment, and the disruption of present business models. At RDNA you will also find inspiration from some of the greatest award winning producers, broadcasters, podcasters, leaders and players from inside and outside our industries that will influence our future.

Radiodays North America is not only the largest international radio, podcast and audio conference in the world. It is also leading the way by being forward looking, with high quality content, great speakers and a huge programme with over 120 speakers in +60 sessions over 2 days. In addition, RDNA features an exhibition with exhibitors showcasing services for broadcasters.

The program is created with the involvement of the partner organisations of Radiodays North America , who kicked off the programming process with a brainstorming meeting – the Conference Assembly in September. An international Program Committee of ten has since then been working on the program and finding speakers.

The Attendees

Most attendees come from North America. But attendees come from around the world too – Europe, Middle East, Asia, Africa, Australia, and South America. The countries with the biggest participation are USA and Canada.

Delegates come from commercial radio and public service in almost equal numbers.

29% define themselves as top-level management, 28% are Program Directors/Music Directors/Channel Managers, 10% are Heads of news or journalists, 9% are producers/programme hosts, 4% work in online or technical development, 5% in sales and 15% other.

The Partners

One key to success for Radiodays North America is the dialogue with broadcasters and partners across North America about the development of the conference. Radiodays North America is supported by a wide range of organisations such as the public broadcasters, private radios, and other radio organisations in North America.

The Programme Committee

An advisory Conference Assembly meeting in September, with all partner organisations invited, is the kick-off for finding topics and themes for the next conference program. The actual conference program is then put together and produced by an international Program Committee led by the RDNA Manager.

The Founding Partners

The first Radiodays Europe was held 2010 in Copenhagen. It grew out of the existing collaboration between the national Radiodays in Sweden, Norway and Denmark, where the model with joint private and public radio conferences already was in place. In 2012, Radiodays Europe moved to Barcelona 2012, Berlin 2013, Dublin 2014, Milan 2015, Paris 2016, Amsterdam 2017, Vienna 2018, Lausanne 2019, Lisbon 2021 and Malmö 2022.

Other events

Radiodays Europe is also organising Radiodays North America, Radiodays Asia in the Asia-Pacific (radiodaysasia.com) in collaboration with partners in Asia and Australia; and Podcast Day 24, focusing on podcasting only.